cast fails

Hi all…
Can someone tell me why this cast fails?

My eyes aren’t good enough to read what you are trying to Cast To. :stuck_out_tongue:

It all depends on what you are trying to accomplish. Is what you are casting to a type of Game Instance?

I read it either, sorry.

P.S. If you are having casting problems during development, make sure you are outputting something when the cast fails, even if it is only logging a string saying “Cast failed” on the screen.

it’s a gameIstance…
i use the istance for use a variable in all the game(in 4 levels), so for this i use the gameistance…
Maybe the problem is that the istance is empty inside?
I mean i work on the variable of the istance only with the cast in another blueprint

I don’t have access to the editor right now to tell exactly where it is, but have you set your GameInstance class inside your Project Settings?

If the game instance you are casting to is not the currently used game instance, the cast will fail. Go into your project settings -> Maps & Modes -> Game Instance Class.

thanks, i solved :smiley: