We proudly present our Cartoon FX Pack - 3 in 1! [HR][/HR]
**Now get 20% Off on Sellfy **Cartoon FX Pack - 3 in 1 in Visual Effects - UE Marketplace
**Available on Unreal Engine Marketplace **https://bit.ly/2tXVJmy
This pack contains more than 75 different Particle Effects for you to chose from!
If u make a isometric adventure, stylized TPS, or FPS game, this is your pack! Contains Particle Systems that can be combined to create over 100 variations! Endless possibilities of reuse! Includes Nuke, Pop, Smoke, Burn, and Pickup effects! Working on a Fighting or Platform game? Anime FX Pack is an essential pack for all types of games, no matter what your genre is! It gives a unique visual boost for your project!
This pack is a no brainer for your isometric adventure, stylized TPS, or FPS games!
Polished Cartoon Style
Optimized for every platform even for VR/AR
Glow effects
Free shader
Type of Emitters: CPU, GPU
Number of Effects: 74
Number of Textures: 26
Number of Materials: 49
Number of Blueprints: 1
Number of Meshes: 11
Supported Development Platforms: All
Supported Target Build Platforms: All [HR][/HR]
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