Hello, my name is . I am very new ta game design. Actually it’s a hobby. I know I have a lot to learn, like c++, etc, and I appreciate all the help and tips that you can help in order to achieve my goals. I am writing this thread because I would like to know how to do graphics like the new ‘Dragon Quest XI’ for PS4. I know it’s possible because they are using the Unreal Engine 4. But the trick is that I don’t know how to do it. Please, any help that you can provide, will be amazing.
Hi ,
As with all graphic styles, there is never going to be a one size fits all tutorial, but for learning stylized graphics a couple of good places to start is to look at the Stylized Rendering content example, available on the Launcher, under the Learn Tab (documentation is here: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Resources/Showcases/Stylized/index.html?utm_source=launcher&utm_medium=ue&utm_campaign=uelearn
It’s a good place to go in and see how the materials, lights, etc are set-up and to fiddle with the settings to see how it changes the effects.
If you are looking for a more cel-shaded look, there is a great forum thread here: https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?306-trying-to-make-Toon-Shader-Material-on-UE4 which shows several developers working through their different approaches to cel-shading.
Hope this helps!