I’m working on the floor for my cargo hold. The dimensions are 2000 cm X 4800 cm. Too big, too small? I haven’t worked out the height of the ceiling yet.
This all depends on your gameplay, speed of walking and if its game or some visualisation.
20meters x 48meters, its about size of fishing boat.
First person shooter. It will be a game. Normal walking speed.
I have a ship model that I bought and downloaded. It’s overall dimensions are 169.36m, 86.237m, 169.36m (L,W,H). I’m trying to create a cargo hold that will look like it belongs (not too small). I could probably create three for use in the ship, one large hold and two smaller holds. I can’t get a good measurement of the areas I want to use in 3DS Max.
Why not ex-importing into 3dsMax and after adding stuff reexport?
So build what I need inside the ship then export it to further work on it?
Why not, then you can be sure about size /scaling.
But i would also combine some reallife data into to be sure.
Dunno what “cargo hold” means for you exactly, but look here https://www.google.de/search?q=cargo+hold+blueprint&biw=1280&bih=693&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjk8dbS3o7LAhWJDpoKHZAZCqsQ_AUIBigB
To take your own boat is the best alternative, when you have no blueprints, if you ask me.
Edit do not be to detailed for beginning. Sketch things rough in 3d, then export.
When things are like your taste, then add details, often reexport, when adding new stuff and not doing modular.
Modular would go one by one.
I opened the ship in 3DS Max. Made a box (1m,1m,1m). Changed the length of that box to act as a measuring tape (I couldn’t get the measure tool to work in 3DS Max). Now I have a better idea of what size I need to make my pieces.