Card based event with a roll dice type event...stuck!

I have an event I’m trying to create, but am now hitting a wall. And its breaking my brain at midnight!

Part of my game phase is I’m trying to pickup a card on screen as a widget, and a random number between 1-3 is produced on the card. Then this random number represents the amount of random numbers (like a dice roll) it can produce for example,
on the card says 1, then 1 dice can be rolled. If the card says 2, 2 dice can be rolled, 3 etc.

I then want each card number to produce however many random numbers it states and then have a dynamic widget setup on screen showing the random numbers.

For example
if the card says 1, then I want it to produce a number between 1-6 and show a texture on screen via a widget, and I’m trying to set this widget up as dynamic. So it changes the texture but always stays in postion on screen in the same spot even if screen resolution was changed.

if the card says 2, then I want it to produce 2 numbers between 1-6 and show 2 texture boxes on screen via a widget, as dynamic. So it changes the textures but again the 2 boxes that show the texture always stays in postion on screen in the same spot even if screen resolution was changed.

and same for the 3rd, if the card says 3, then I want it to produce 3 numbers between 1-6 and show 3 texture boxes on screen via a widget, as dynamic. So it changes the textures but again the 3 boxes that show the texture always stays in postion on screen in the same spot even if screen resolution was changed.

All these numbers then equal something that happens in the game, eg 1=hit, 2=block etc.

I assume this is the correct way? and surely its not that hard to do!?

I just can’t seem to setup dynamic textures that show up on screen and relate to each other? Any help?


You’ll see in the random numbers I have set min and max to 1, just so I can at least get 1 working then roll out the rest.