I made a car mesh in Maya 2018. The car consists of a body mesh, chassis front, chassis back, and 4 wheels. I did parent the wheels to the chassis and the chassis to the body frame in Maya. With all the parts in a hierarchy I exported as FBX and imported it into the unreal engine. My problem is when I set the physics for the car and simulate it the entire car scatters into pieces. Even when I hit play in my level the car breaks apart. How do I fix it where when I simulate the physics the car sits still? I watched so many tutorials of importing vehicles into UE4 but NONE of them describe how to make a car model suited for UE4 and the complications behind that. The tuts I watched had an already made model and it frustrates me how the modeling process is not shown or behind the scenes of creating the model and making it ready for UE4. Any help is appreciated.