Car game glitchy around turns only

I am working my way through the learning agents tutorial but using a custom car instead of the default sports car this car also has its own movement component. When using the recording manager the game gets very glitchy but only on turns and not during straight aways. I have tried removing the manager but i get the same issue just to a lesser extent. I assume the issue is performance based so i tried various different optimization methods but to no avail so honestly I am not sure what the issue is any help would be greatly appreciated. also while i am making turns my inputs stop working. below is a recording of the issue with the recording manager in the scene…

Not sure how I can help you here. Sounds unrelated to Learning Agents.

If you think it’s a performance issue, you should use Unreal Insights to find the issue: Unreal Insights in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.5 Documentation | Epic Developer Community

Plenty of good youtube videos from the community on how to use it.

Good luck!

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Ill check it out thank you!

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