In 4.12.5 I’m learning to use sequencer with what little videos there are out there so I can create proper tutorials.
When I output my sequence using the “Render Movie Settings” dialog and choose my output directory to a root drive such as C:\ or D:\ it gets the first frame then continues with “capturing video…” forever. If I choose a directory like C:\MyNewFolder\ that I create in explorer it works fine 100%.
I see this was a problem in matinee too. Just want to make sure it has a UE-xxxxx number
Thanks for the report. I’m unable to reproduce this when rendering a test scene directly to "D:". Can you make a Third Person template project and see if you can reproduce the issue in a basic Sequence?
Can you also send me a screenshot of your Render Movie Settings with everything expanded?
Fresh third person BP template, add level seuqence, add camera and set as current camera cut, enter to create keyframe, scrub and add another camer keyframe, export to video with these settings: and still fails stuck on first frame forever have to end process.
Works fine to a directory. Engine has been verified in the past 24 hrs.
If i run as seperate process I can cancel it, otherwise I have to force quit the .exes
I was testing with my D:\ drive and it worked fine, but I switched to the C:\ drive and it froze up. Just going on a hunch here, but are your C:\ and D:\ drives solid state drives?