CAPTURE - Short Film Teaser | Unreal Engine 5.3

Capture is a short film project - This Teaser is after our first week of test.

I’am a french director, playwriter, screenwriter and cinematographer. I’am working with Unreal 5.3 for 3 months, playing with everything that help capturing actors performance.

Actress : Bess Davies
CAPTURE is about the megalomania of entrepreneurs and their loneliness. A hybrid live-action and real-time CG film, mixing story, acting, mocap and cinematography.
My goal is to create CG scenes as I create live-action plays and film.
Still looking for funds. 

Please feel free to comments and help this project to be as best as it can be. :slight_smile:


Artstation :ArtStation - Vincent Toujas


Hi there @Elymel,

Hope you’re well and having a great week so far!

I just wanted to pop in and say how beautiful the warm lighting is and how absolutely incredible the animations are for the main character here. So much emotion conveyed in just a minute. Brilliantly done! If you don’t mind me asking, what inspired this project?


Hi @PresumptivePanda,

Thank you for your words.

I’am a director for films and plays. Metahuman inspired me first, as a tool, but also as a dramaturgy.

My passion for actors was at the heart of this project. I wanted to explore the emotional work of an actor and how Unreal can capture it. Metahuman animator is a powerful tool. I’m continuing to develop the capabilities of this technology.

Metahuman inspired me above all as a tool, but also as a dramaturgy. That’s why Capture questions these digital humans through the story of an entrepreneur in the metaverse.

Medium is message :wink:


Hey again @Elymel,

Thanks for taking the time to reply back :slight_smile: Seeing what people can create with metahumans and how vividly a skilled animator can express an emotion has always been mind blowing to me.

I can’t wait to see the short film version of this. Thanks so much for sharing!


Hey there @Elymel ! Welcome to posting here on the forums with us!

I’m super thrilled to see the care that you’ve taken to show the emotions through subtle motions and movements. I must say with this alone I want to know more about the scenario because I have so much racing through my head! Your storytelling skills are absolutely phenomenal with such a limited script.


Thanks a lot @The_M0ss_Man !

The trick is to have the chance to work with an amazing actress. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
In good light conditions, Metahuman animator is astonishing !

As for the narrative, I’ve been writing the script for a year. And I’m adapting the story to the capabilities of Metahuman. It’s exactly the same process I use for theater … I work with actors on stage and adapt the story to what they deliver.

As director of photography, I take a lot of time to light the scene to enhance the emotion of the metahuman actor’s face. Storytelling is about mixing all these parameters : acting performance, framing, light and screenplay. And Unreal 5 is just another way of bringing this cocktail to the public. :film_projector:

I’ll be sharing a few exclusive clips along the way. :smiling_face:


Hey there @Elymel !

Thank you so much for sharing that and I’m excited to hear that you’ll be showcasing more because I’m far too excited. Storytelling through subtle emotions and such is so fantastic and you capitalize on that with your words and use of Metahuman’s expressions.

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This looks so wonderful, beautiful atmosphere, I love this very much! :green_heart:

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awesome keep going, Nice work

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Animation lighting and subtle eye movements are truly spot on, plus great sound - well done

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Awesome Job.

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Coming soon …

Update on Skin, Light with Lumen, Hair, Metahuman Creator, sound, camera, grading.

Still trying to get the best from acting, writing and directing.


New Teaser - Interview of Penelope Fairfax - C.E.O of Metacortex

Enjoy !

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This is genuinely incredible. The mannerisms, the dialogue - just perfection. :slight_smile: Thanks so much for sharing!

I worked on some updates to imrpvoe Metahuman render (skin, hair, light, render, camera)


Very nice! :movie_camera:

The facial expressions and emotion is just phenomenal :slight_smile: Can’t wait to see the full film

Wait? is henry a real BOSS in unreal engine company? I heard they are laying off employees. :sweat_smile:

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Message to Epic Games :smiling_face:

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Hey there @Elymel !

As always, I love seeing the progress on this project with all my heart. The subtle motions and emotion you catch from line delivery to the metahuman is absolutely fascinating. Not to mention I believe you’re really amazing at keeping the suspense and intensity with such few words!

Do you have a writing process that focuses on these aspects or is it just the natural flow?