Capture/ record a video from viewport

Hello. Is there a way to record the viewport/ player´s view to a video (mp4) with blue print. The player would select from a widget to record or not to record the viewport view or just hitting “R” to start recording.

Not sure if the Take recorder or playing with sequencer here would do the trick.

Thanking in advance,

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The problem is that MP4 encoding isn’t “free” – there are license requirements that mean that each particular tool that supports this must go through some paperwork and maybe pay some money. OS-es don’t generally support this as a built-in feature, for that same reason – you may have to pay to install a separate codec to unlock this function. (Or use some open source…)

You could probably also talk directly to the graphics card API, assuming the user has the right graphics card. For example, here’s the NVIDIA API:
You’d need to do something similar-but-different for each of AMD and Intel graphics, too. And this is not Blueprints, it’s C++, and requires low-level hardware access!

If you have an NVIDIA graphics card, you can turn on whole-screen capture with the Geforce Experience, and use whatever their hotkey is to start recording. I use this, and it works well, but it’s of course specific to the user’s setup, not built-into the program.

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Ok thank you. So MP4 is not an option, because this should work not for me, but for the players.

Are there any other way to record any video. And to be more precise, is there a way to record just one compsure that shows up on a widget where the texture is the composure. Really hard to explain what I mean sorry.

Yours, Ramses

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