Capture gameplay view with Take Recorder

I have a question regarding the Take Recorder, which seems to be a very under-documented feature. I’m trying to record the perspective of the thirdperson camera during a gameplay take, but don’t seem to capture any keyframes for the camera translation, even though my source is the character it’s parented to. The camera view is recorded in it’s static position behind the character and doesn’t take into account any translation due to player input. Anyone know what I’m missing here?

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You need to add your camera to Take Recorder Source

Oh, it’s in there and it’s being recorded, but it’s not recording any translation generated by the controller input, so the playback view is from its static position behind the character (doesn’t show when I pan around the character).

Hi there,
Perhaps this video can help you.
UE4 - GameMode Recording - YouTube

Even in that video the spring arm is locked tight behind the character. :frowning:

Hi there,

Perhaps because your player pawn is set to “use control rotation yaw”.
Let me try to reproduce the desired effect.

Hi there,
I was unable to replay this effect. It seems that the camera orbiting around player uses the “control rotation”, which is not taken into consideration when recording with Level Sequencer. I attached a sphere to the camera, and I could see the sphere still during the frames while the camera was orbiting around the player following the “control rotation”.

I’ll see if I can find anything to share here that might help you.

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Thanks for trying to help, but yeah, I’ve tried EVERYTHING over the past few weeks. Seems like it’s just an oversight in the implementation of Take Recorder, which is a bummer. All I want to do is record a quick run-through of my landscape from the player’s perspective and then “beautify” only the parts of the level that are in-camera. Feels like it should be simple, but seems to be impossible. Take Recorder just WILL NOT capture the player camera’s absolute world transform.

Yes, this is unfortunate. The only way you can reproduce this effect is by using the camera rig rail. Because I am not quite familiar with this feature, I’ll see if I can find something helpful.

Did anybody find a solution or workaround to get the third Person camera Data in Take recorder? I’m facing the Same Problem and spent way too much time trying to make It work. It’s the only way to capture my gameplay. There should be a Lot of people experiencing this issue, right? I could live with some Kind of workaround If there is one.


Yes!! i’ve been looking for a solution to this too. It’s hard to even search for this topic.

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I 've managed to partially reproduce the desired effect with the following steps:

  1. Remove the camera from your character.

  2. Create an actor blueprint with spring arm component and reset transformations. Set target arm length to 200 and offsets to zero (see below) or settings to your desired specifications (for instance, First Person). Make sure use pawn control rotation yaw is set to true.

  3. Add a cine camera component and parent it to the spring arm.

  4. Place the blueprint actor in the level, attach it to your character BP, and in the outliner, select the blueprint actor and open the Level blueprint add this code:

  5. Press Play and then start Take Recorder.

Note: player will disappear after recording the cinematics, I test with both recording options, Legacy and Movie Render Queue. This fact needs further testing.


How about just adding another camera and setting the transform to match your main cam every tick? I haven’t tried this, just a thought

Previously I attached a sphere mesh in the camera and set it visible. The sphere didn’t follow the camera rotation and stayed behind the character. Somehow, when using “Use controller rotation yaw”, the camera transform is not saved in a transform track, that’s why the recorded session shows the camera always behind the character, regardless the control rotation.