Capture Attributes from Effect Causer in ModMagnitudeCalculation


I have a Character with a Damage Multiplier attribute, holding a weapon with a Damage attribute.
Both have an AbilitySystemComponent and inherit IAbilitySystemComponentInterface

I am trying to capture those two attributes in a ModMagnitudeCalculation so I can apply the weapon damage multiplied by the character’s damage multipler through a Gameplay Effect using custom magnitude calculation.

I set the weapon’s owner as Instigator and the weapon itself as Effect Causer when creating the context for the effect’s outgoing spec, and was hoping I could capture the weapon’s attributes like this afterward.

But it doesn’t seem to work.
Are Effect Causer’s attributes really capturable?
Or should I find an different way to handle this?

If you have any information on this that could help me understand the issue I’d be grateful!