Capture all asset references

Has anyone had success on getting all the references of an asset? For example in the content browser a simple static mesh asset that has one material with one texture referenced? Maybe someone has a suggestion/ recommended reading?

I’ve tried the following and seem a bit confused as to how they work. I am not writing them correctly here, but wondering if i am heading in the right direction?


I got tired of searching through the API, so i decided to make my own wrapper. Hopefully this will help someone.


//removed other misc code, not sure if all the includes are here
#include "skpImportXml.h"
#include "ModuleManager.h"
#include "AssetRegistryModule.h"

TArray<FString> USkpLib::GetAssetDependencies(const FName& path)

    FAssetRegistryModule& AssetRegistryModule = FModuleManager::GetModuleChecked<FAssetRegistryModule>("AssetRegistry");
    TArray<FName> dependencies;
    AssetRegistryModule.Get().GetDependencies(path, dependencies);

    TArray<FString> dependencies_list;
    for (FName& name : dependencies)
        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Added deps: %s"), *name.ToString());
    return dependencies_list;


#pragma once

#include "Kismet/BlueprintFunctionLibrary.h"
#include "skpImportXml.generated.h"

class USkpLib : public UObject
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = Python)
        static TArray<FString> GetAssetDependencies(const FName& path);


deps = ]

def getDep(assets):
    for asset in assets:
        array = unreal.SkpLib().get_asset_dependencies(asset)
        if len(array) != 0:


LogPython: '/Game/StarterContent/Props/Materials/M_Chair', '/Game/StarterContent/Textures/T_Chair_M', '/Game/StarterContent/Textures/T_Chair_N']

You could try this, works for me.

unreal.AssetRegistryHelpers.get_asset_registry().get_dependencies('path/to/asset', unreal.AssetRegistryDependencyOptions())

Thanks for the reply, I managed to come across this a while ago, but didn’t get a chance to update this posting.
Having a way to handle all of this in the python api is much much easier to maintain. Cheers!

I moved some assets to another folder with unreal.EditorAssetLibrary.rename_asset, Is there a way with python API to reload all references or keep it while moving? Thanks

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