Captcha has issue for months and you put on support request too, efectively blocking the support requests too!


First of all, I think you will need to add a confirmation to delete button here, I was trying to press edit button and the popup opened and delete button go under mouse right before click and deleted the issue, which completely #$#@$ me off!

Captcha has issue for months.

During login, purchase, or in fact anything that requires captcha, always two requests are being sent to your server.
From the way captcha works, I believe there will be a captcha callback too with tells your endpoint that captcha was completed correctly or failed.

It looks like these two requests are being sent async and thus they can finish in any order. This means for example during purchase

POST request to
is sent before POST to*
is even completed.

I can observe this by looking at developer console. I see that confirm-order request is completed with 400 error but checkcaptcha is still sending and after few seconds checkcaptcha is complete but the error message Failed to challenge captcha, please try again later. is already showing on screen.

Note that error message is white on white and only barely visible by selecting it!

This happens during login and even during support request on FAB and is very annoying. It depends on luck that after completing captcha for 20~30 times, one goes through and captcha complete before confirm. This is really annoying when you have to solve meaningless captcha that many times.

Please fix this. I’m positive that this call should be done in sequentially and not async!

Additional notes:
I believe your developers are testing these pages locally or on an Internet lines with speeds over 1000Mbps. My line is just 1Mbps with 700ms~1600ms ping and I have no control over it since this is the fastest that I have access too.