Why CapsuleTraceByChannel is vertical ? Who need from this? Why is imposible to be rotate to horizontal?
- because it is better for FPS games and most games. To trace characters that are usually vertical.
- Everybody needs this, or rather most people need it, ones like you are minority.
- Because adding rotation to capsule would slow down every other game that does not need it. Additional calculations means every other game (that is not your project) would be slower.
Instead of capsule use 2 balls, or think a bit about another solution. There are other solutions (usually) that are simpler and faster, just sit down cool rage and think. That is beauty of indie game dev, you have time to think.
Thank you i can make it with sphere. I want to have 2 trace systems, the first from my actor and the second 1 meter front my character. How to make the second, because when I add +100 on Y it use the world rotation, not actor rotation.
I trying to use actor rotation, but this give always 0 from Y,X,Z. How to take Y from my char, or from world -Y and +Y ?