Capsule rotating instead of camera?

I’m using a first person pov, and started off with the first person blueprint and adjusted it a little. I’m having an issue where instead of the camera rotating, the capsule (character itself) is rotating. So if I look up or down, the player is actually getting closer to the ground, ceiling, etc. I tested this theory by crouching under a door frame and looking up. This caused my character to sink into the floor.

I think this is also causing an issue with not being able to climb stairs properly. If I look up or down, I can’t climb the stairs, and if I look straight up or down, I can’t move forward or backward.

Please help, I have to turn this project in for a class in a few days.

Upon further inspection, it seems the culprit is the “use controller pitch rotation” being enabled. However, if I disable this the player can no longer look up or down??? Also, I need this turned on for whenever the player is leaning/peeking around corners with Q or E, how would I turn it on and off via nodes??

how would I turn it on and off via nodes??

If I understand your question correctly, then there are bools for that:

in the pawn there is also a setting for “use controller rotation”

You just need to relay pitch input to where it’s needed instead to the pawn directly (in my case it was the skeletal mesh animation blueprint, in your case it probably will be a function that runs per tick that sets the actual camera pitch). I use this setup (Sorry for the bunch of additional ■■■■… MouseInputVisibility variable is for the stealth system, pay no attention to it):

I just found out a simple fix!

there is this option in camera details:

just enable it and disable "Use controller rotation pitch"

that solved it for me!

It’s actually in camera details…