Capsule physics objects never stop rolling


Just wondering if anyone else has figured out a “best” workaround for the problem of physics objects like capsules rolling forever on flat surfaces. Even with angular damping set pretty high, a capsule will get down to some steady state rolling speed and then just keep going forever.

Short of adding a nub or something to the capsule, is there a cheaper way to get things to settle to a stopped state?



You could adjust the Angular and Linear Dumping options, under the Physics menu inside the Details, after you insert your object in a scene.

There is similar problem with sphere, check this thread on AnswerHub:


Apparently it’s still an open issue (no official solution) within PhysX.

Docie: The problem is that even with linear and angular damping, a ball/capsule will still roll forever on a flat surface.


Depending on what you do, you can try to use custom collision model instead of mathematical primitive. They work better in respect to not generating energy out of thin air but have a bit of issues with landscape collision and can be “jumpy” on high velocities.
Just tell us more on what you are trying to achieve, we might have some ideas.