Capsule object response 'hit' issue

Hey there whoever’s reading! I seem to be having a very strange issue. I have a projectile thats a collision sphere. This projectile is spawned and aims at the AI target and upon hit, activates the 'On Component Hit (Sphere) logic. The logic works great, however as soon as it hits the AI and he comes running at the player, it’ll stump him for each one hit as if he is hitting a wall. I understand the component hit sphere logic even says in the description its used when it hits something like character movement or a wall, but i want it to activate this hit event but not actually physically stump my ai character as he’s moving to me. Think of it like the ai is running but hit a rock on the ground and he gets pushed to his left or right a bit and gets slowed down until he’s out of the way of that rock. Thats what its doing when it shouldnt be.

Here are my set collisions. The projectile is a WorldDynamic type which has pawn set to block so when projectile hits a ‘Pawn’, it knows to run its ‘hit’ event.
The AI character is a Pawn type and is set to block ‘WorldDynamic’.

That logic works as it should but has the annoying side effect of pushing the character off its path a little each time the projectile hits him. Is there a way i can disable this real ‘collision’ but still have its events fired? I cant figure it out and tried lots of mix/matching for a few hours.
One thing to note, the blueprint ‘AICharacter’ has a child called ‘RoamingCharacter’. So all AI’s parent is ‘RoamingCharacter’ where RoamingCharacter’s parent is AICharacter. If i set the AICharacter’s capsule collision to block the WorldDynamic, while the RoamingCharacter is set to ‘Ignore’ or ‘Overlap’ the WorldDynamic, then it all works and no longer blocks the ai’s path when hit. I dont really understand how this is working but i also dont know if thats the best solution because in the future if i need to use worlddynamic blocks i wouldnt be able to due to projectiles messing up ai path again. Or who knows, maybe i would since its still blocking for its parent and is clearly working this way lol. Maybe somebody can shed some light on this part as well?

hmmm I would think under collision settings for the projectile, where it says Pawn and Friendly NPC have that set to overlap or ignore (may have to play around with that).

But my recommendation would be to forgo the physical projectile and use a line trace node. It will be a bit more performant. Then you can add in particles or Niagra effects. For a physical projectile, you would have to pool them and each physics query would all add up when you get a lot of bullets going.