Just got a ladder climb root motion animation montage to work.
Only one little problem.
Character’s capsule is skewed after climb.
Anyway to fix this?
I am using a slot between the state machine and the final animation pose.
Just play an animation montage with root motion enabled.
Here is screen grab.
Is there a way I can “reset” the capsule’s orientation on the ground after the climb?
I can walk and jump the character after the montage, so the montage ends.
But he is skewed like this while he walks around after climb.
Using root motion the capsule is glued to the root as it’s the root that controls position and orientation what’s above it as being the parent. To fix it as to best practice you will need to edit the root so it’s rotation is set to something like 0 0 0 and not something like 10,0,0 as an example.
Thanks Frankie yeah I plan on doing the animation montage with the root bone at 0 all the way.
That should take care of the problem. Looks like once you mess with the capsule in an animation montage
its hard to get it back to original position. Think the key here is to work around the root bone.
Thank you for the kind answer.
Here is what someone else told me about animating the capsule / root for character lying down.
This is good info I think:
Hi there, tilting and rotating the capsule can be done by
toggling the “Use Controller Rotation Yaw, Pitch, etc.”
check box, but you will have to do some trial and error
to get the exact behavior you want out of if when toggling
between using it and not using it. It will not immediately
work the way you are wanting it to, the problem is that the
capsule is the root component of the character BP so scaling
it or rotating it will also scale and rotate all of the
child components. Rotating the entire capsule would completely
rotate the character and doing so will cause other issues
with the movement component, moving forward would still
cause the BP to try to move in the capsule’s forward X
axis and not the perceived X axis which would now be the
capsule’s Z axis, you follow what I am saying with that?
Setting it’s rotation will cause the movement component
to not work properly anymore, well it would work but you
would also have to add a bunch more to get it to work correctly
in both states. When we have setup a crawling action before we
adjusted the dimensions of the capsule and used montages to
transition between states as well as make tweaks to the timing
of the resize and movements.
Here is the result.
Everything looks really bad right now because I am only blocking the game out.
Animations, textures, lightmaps needs a lot of work.