Can't write to a valid text file regardless of the method

I am in a pickle. My file path’s are valid to save a string to a text file, but no matter what, the operation fails. Nothing gets written and it returns false. When using the IFileHandle write method, everything crashes instead. The files involved are simply 2 text files, that I verify are valid paths before operating on them. I’m really confused as to why nothing seems to work when using FFileHelper::SaveStringToFile. I know I have it repeated multiple times, but none of them are writing.

//.h file

UENUM(BlueprintType)		//"BlueprintType" is essential to include
enum class Achievements : uint8
  CrabSlayer 	UMETA(DisplayName = "CrabSlayer"),
  Rain 	UMETA(DisplayName = "Rain")
struct FAchievementData : public FTableRowBase

    Achievements Enum;

    FString Name;

    FString How;

    UPaperSprite* Sprite;


class PROTOTYPE_API UAchievementFile2 : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
  //UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "File", meta = (Keywords = "Initialize"))
  //  static void Init();

  // functions for use
  UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "File", meta = (Keywords = "AchievementUnlocked"))
    static bool AchievementUnlocked(FAchievementData data, Achievements value, AActor* actor);

  UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "File", meta = (Keywords = "AchievementMissed"))
    static void AchievementMissed(Achievements value);

  UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "File", meta = (Keywords = "UpdateAchievementList"))
    static void UpdateAchievementList();

  static const FString EnumToString(const TCHAR* Enum, Achievements EnumValue);
  template <typename ObjClass>
  static ObjClass* LoadObjFromPath(const FName& Path);	


bool UAchievementFile2::AchievementUnlocked(FAchievementData data, Achievements value, AActor* actor)
  FString path(FPaths::GameDir() + "Content/Data/List.uasset");
  if (FPaths::FileExists(path))

    FString AchievementFile = FPaths::GameDir() + "AcheivementList.txt";
    FString CurrentRunFile = FPaths::GameDir() + "CurrentAchievements.txt";

    if (FPaths::FileExists(AchievementFile) && FPaths::FileExists(CurrentRunFile))
      // open the achievement file, Find the appropriate Enum:
      IPlatformFile& file = FPlatformFileManager::Get().GetPlatformFile();
      IFileHandle* Currenthandle = file.OpenWrite(*CurrentRunFile, true, true);

      IPlatformFile& fileRead = FPlatformFileManager::Get().GetPlatformFile();
      IFileHandle* Achievehandle = fileRead.OpenRead(*AchievementFile, true);

      FString time;

        FString FileData;

        // loading our file to check for contains
        FFileHelper::LoadFileToString(FileData, *CurrentRunFile);

        // converting enum to Strong
        const FString enumString = EnumToString(TEXT("Achievements"), value);

        // checks if in the current achievements whether our enum is in there
        if (FileData.Contains(*enumString, ESearchCase::IgnoreCase))
          //dont do anything
          FName ConvertedFString = FName(*enumString);
          //FAchievementData* data = AchievementList->FindRow<FAchievementData>(ConvertedFString, TEXT("FindingRowForData"));

          IFileManager& FileManager = IFileManager::Get();
          FString DiskFilename = FileManager.GetFilenameOnDisk(*CurrentRunFile);

          bool outcome = FFileHelper::SaveStringToFile((data.Name) + FString("\n")
            , *CurrentRunFile);
          outcome = FFileHelper::SaveStringToFile((data.Name) + FString("\n")
            , *DiskFilename);
          outcome = FFileHelper::SaveStringToFile((data.Name) + FString("\n")
            , *FString("CurrentAchievements.txt"));
          outcome = FFileHelper::SaveStringToFile((data.Name) + FString("\n")
            , *(FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(CurrentRunFile)));

          Achievehandle->Write((const uint8*)TCHAR_TO_ANSI(*(data.Name + FString("\n")))
            , data.Name.Len() + 1);
          float realtimeSeconds = UGameplayStatics::GetRealTimeSeconds(actor->GetWorld());

          FTimespan timeSpan(/*Hours*/(int)realtimeSeconds / 360,/*Minutes*/((int)realtimeSeconds % 360) / 60,
            ((int)realtimeSeconds % 60) /*Seconds*/);
          time = timeSpan.ToString();
          Achievehandle->Write((const uint8*)TCHAR_TO_ANSI(*(time + FString("\n\n")))
            , data.Name.Len() + 2);


        FDateTime temp;
        time = temp.Now().ToString();
        FFileHelper::LoadFileToString(FileData, *CurrentRunFile);

        if (!FileData.Contains(*enumString, ESearchCase::IgnoreCase))
          FFileHelper::SaveStringToFile(enumString + FString(" : ") + time + FString("\n"), *AchievementFile, FFileHelper::EEncodingOptions::AutoDetect,
            &IFileManager::Get(), FILEWRITE_Append);

        delete Currenthandle;
        delete Achievehandle;

        return true;
      //return false;
      return false;
    return false;
