cant wrap text widget when added to scroll box

i have this UI that displays active quest on my HUD. it is a scroll box and lines of text are added to it based on how many objectives the quest has. but i cant figure out a way to wrap the text in the scroll box even when wrap text option is ticked on the second text block in the text widget(UI_ActiveQuestEntry).

if i use only 1 text box in UI_ActiveQuestEntry then it wraps. but if i add 2 text blocks, it doesnt.

this website didnt allow me to add more than 1 image cause im new so im adding imgur link here. Imgur: The magic of the Internet

if you set it up like this, you can get the result you want. probably recommended to use an add child to wrap box node to automate the process to have any number of tasks (make sure to set the wrap box to be a variable, because it wont be by default).
for the size box, specify how wide it is so the wrapping occurs properly. leave height override alone.
