Can't walk through collision box with no collisions

Video showing the problem

I tried making a vehicle possession function following Matt Asplands’ video. In his video, he made a collision box so that when you come into contact with that box, you are able to enter the vehicle. However, when I tested it, I was blocked off by the box. So I turned off collisions and it still won’t let me pass through. I’m not simulating physics or anything. Help please.

There’s something a bit hinky going on. You showing the internals of a blueprint, but you have a static mesh in the level

I would put the BP in the level instead :slight_smile:

Try to check what type of object it is and how they should react to each other.
Collision filtering

I still have the same issue. It is a wheeled vehicle pawn (to be fair it isn’t wheeled) now rather than a static mesh and I’m still colliding with the box

I’ve been messing with this for about 15 minutes just trying to get it right and I’m still having the colliding issue

Are you sure collision on ship mesh is also disabled?

Aaaand that’ll do it. I’m still extremely new to Unreal so thank you and the others who helped me with being kind and patient.

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