Hey guys.
I’m having a problem that should have been really simple to fix. In my FPCharacter blueprint i’m using the “E” key to set a boolean variable (public) between true and false whenever I press it. I’m trying to get these values with another blueprint using reference for the character blueprint to get the variable value. It seems that I can get the initial value when the game begins, but whenever I press “E”, the value in my FPCharacter blueprint get updated correctly, but I can’t manage to update it in my second blueprint. I’m using the same method between other actor blueprints, so it seems to be a communication problem between actor blueprints and character blueprints. What am I doing wrong here?
Hey Rbacch,
The issue I see is that you are using a reference to the Character Blueprint that you created, but you aren’t storing the Character that is spawned.
To do that you need to get the Player Character and than Cast To the Character Blueprint that you created.
My preference is to do this on “Begin Play” and play the Player Character reference in a variable like you have done so. But you can also just make it a part of the logic so that if you change which character you have possession of it will still work.
Anyways below is a graph of how you can get the reference to the active character.:
My guess is that you still had to create the widget in the same blueprint and probably without thinking of it, stored the created widget.
But no problems, glad it worked for you
Hello Miroac.
Thanks for the fast reply and the correct and simple answer. =) I never even thought about the need of storing the character since I did exactly the same reference with my HUD and it worked like a charm. Maybe it has something to do with both being a default or something.
Nevertheless, your way did the trick, so thank you very much for it. =)