Cant uncheck Spatially Loaded setting

Hey Guys!
I have recently been here because of a problem I had with some of my buidings not showing even though I had never distance cull enabled. And this issue was solved by disabeling the Spatially Loaded setting, but now I have the problem, that some of my buildings aren’t able to have this setting unticked.

Do any of u know the reason for it?

I dont know exactly your case but I remember I couldn’t change data layers for buildings that were attached/still in their prefab maybe its the same case here with spatially loading?

Try unataching the buildings


@Mineblo yes, same case with spatially loaded.

Yes definately unattach them.

I was having probs with non-spatially loaded getting distance culled, can’t remember if I tried the never distance cull setting, but it was a few props and changing a staticmesh property in bulk is a pain.
Changed them to be in HLOD, they don’t seem to distance cull.

Not sure but I assume duplicating building pieces for different areas under the same prefab could mess with stuff not showing, or even the location of the prefabs transform handles, if its in a seperate grid to the props…


Also, worth adding, you can’t untick once streaming has been disabled in the world settings

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