can't turn, ends up at the far end of the field and can't get back

I started with the vehicle demo, and pulled from the ThirdPerson demo. I made him the default pawn, and now he moves, but the world does not rotate when he goes left or right. This means every step forward takes him closer the the far end of the field, and nothing will bring him back the other way.

There must be a world rotation gizmo that did not copy over. What am I looking for? How to finish his movement capability?


How did you “pull from the ThirdPerson demo?” Did you migrate the entire character and blueprints folder over?

I added the Animation Starter Pack to the Advanced Vehicle Demo and set the controls as shown. He moves forward, back, left and right. He doesn’t move with the mouse, but that should require some minor tweaking in Project settings>Inputs.

I recreated what you describe, but the guy still can’t turn. Something else is required for him to turn.

Sorry, I thought you meant he could not move in reverse. In order to add mouse inputs, you have to add these under Project Settings>Inputs (as shown here)


If you were creating the character from scratch you would also have to add these nodes to your Character Blueprint (but this is already done for you with the character from the ASP):


thanks! that did the trick. Only 999,999 more tricks to learn :slight_smile: