Hi. Help me, please, to understand. I trying transfer information between two widget to construct “plus ability when my character is levelup”. I have “plus button widget”, " counter widget" and “player bio widget”.
Plus Button Widget Logic is
Counter Widget Logic is
And Player Bio Widget Logic
And when i try to transfer information from Plus Button Widget to Counter Widget realizing this logic in Player Bio widget - i have problem - my counter widget don’t change. When i click on plus - counter widget does not change value. In upper left corner of screen - i print my counter value. it’s works when i press plus. But (once again) my “counter widget” don’t react. I try to print value of this and what i get
I try to use event dispatcher - and this logic it’s works but only with single widgets - i want to create universal logic between widget to use in multiple cases. Thx advance. Help me to understand this logic.