Can't Sync project data, the shared project won't start

Hello! I am having issues starting trying to download and start a project from my team. I am unable to access the project, Whenever I try to sync the project i only get this message pop up and then after a couple of seconds it sends me back to the project browser (Editor is working 100% on local projects) (the project browser doesn’t even seem to display thumbnails) I have re installed the Epic games launcher and all its content to no avail. I am logged at the creator portal page ,all the accounts match ,everything seems to be in order

Hi @luisHopscotch just to confirm is your team using Unreal Revision Control for this project?

If so, could you please zip and share your logs from this folder of your windows file browser C:\Users[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\urc\logs

Hi - some of my team members are having the same issue. Was there a fix to this?
I can confirm they are both on the creative team and i’ve uploaded to private & checked in assets

Possible solution here: Is anyone else struggling to share a converted project across a group? - #8 by b_kerr