ok so this prob started last night, and in my desperation I have already uninstalled and reinstalled the engine twice now.
I just deleted my project files and uninstalled and reinstalled again so it would be as fresh as can be.
Now to explain what happens is I start up the unreal launcher you know the screen with the links to all kinds of stuff like this answer hub, and the yellow button that should open the Unreal editor, or whatever you call the screen that allows us to either choose what project to open or start a new one.
Well that screen does not open anymore. It opened Once, allowing me to start 1 new project and now the yellow button in the launcher only ever opens that project. I am working on three yes three projects, I need that unreal editor so I can both start the 2 new projects and so I can choose between them each time I sit down to work, which is every day.
I have found in the project files there is a blue icon that will always open the corrisponding project straight from there that’s cool but it still leaves me without the option to start a new one. was hoping there is an icon like that for the unreal editor I need but can’t find.
for a time I assumed maybe something odd with configs or something I don’t know why I haven’t messed with them as I don’t know even where they are, the only configs I know location of is for the individual projects.
I am completely in dark, and feel like having to deal with it is some bs.
thanks for reading hope it wasn’t too many words.