Cant spawn actor

Hello. Im trying to spawm object using SpawnActor mecthod, but it failed every time and returnes nullptr. I’ve debugged it and found that it fails here

if (Actor->IsPendingKill() && !SpawnParameters.bNoFail)
	UE_LOG(LogSpawn, Log, TEXT("SpawnActor failed because the spawned actor %s IsPendingKill"), *Actor->GetPathName());
	return NULL;

So I have 2 questions:

  1. Why my new actor is marked as PendingToKill right after it was spawned?
  2. I cant see this log in my editor. I’ve checked editor setting and I didn’t found SpawnActor log category. Have a missed something?

1.It happens because of my code. So, it’s okay.
2. Still have no idea(

Thank you!

Can you please post the code for spawning the actor in the first place?

I’m not sure how to proceed troubleshooting without those conditions.

I’m confused about the “LogSpawn” as well…

Well, I’ve found that actor isPendingToKill becasue of my code. This actor has a component which handles OnActorBeginOverlap event and inside this handle it will be destroyed, so right after the spawn actor overlapped with floor or something else and it’s valid behavior.

But about logs I have no idea at all…(((