Can't share animations between Epic skeletons


I’ve bought an animation pack from the Marketplace. The animations are Scaled to Epic Skeleton and Rigged with Epic Skeleton.

I’ve created a new blank project and added the developer pack and the Epic Animation Starter Pack. Both Mannequins have the same name, but they can each only access their ‘own’ animation sets in the Animation Asset Browser

I’ve tried this: I opened each of the SK_Mannequins in the Mesh Editor and selected the Skeleton tab. In each case the Retarget Manager “Current Skeleton” shows as “UE4_Mannequin_Skeleton". In each case “Add New” shows only one item – “SK_Mannequin". I select this and its name appears under Retarget Source Name. I Update All and Save.

I return to my level and try to add a Starter Pack animation to the developer SK_Mannequin – and vice-versa – nothing has changed. Each Mannequin can only see his own animation sequences.

I’m new to animation. I’ve spent a whole day Googling this and found no explanation. Can anyone out there help?


This is because the PATH of the skeleton has to be the same (or maybe even the asset ID – I’m fuzzy there.)
You can select all the animations and choose “re-target” to the skeleton you actually want to use. Because the skeletons are actually identical, they will convert perfectly.
Unfortunately, you have to do this for any animation you create or import, but at least it’s a one-time thing.
The good news is that installing a new version of the animation pack won’t immediately overwrite your converted animations; you can replace them as appropriate by re-targeting.

If they are absolutely identical, you can just force delete one of them and it will ask you with what it should replace the references, pick the other one. But like I said, needs to be identical, don’t expect this to work with mixamo or something.