Can't set Common action Widget to "Visible"

When creating a Common action Widget, the default visibility in behaviour is set to collapsed, and when clicking to visible… it stays in collapsed!


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is this broken in UE 5.4?

You have to setup the input actions to make it always visible. It’s hard coded to be collapsed in native C++ in UE5.4 if it cannot find any icons to be used.
You can setup Design Time Key for previewing the widget, it works like Pre-Construct event.
The icons should be visible if you already set up the Common Input Base Controller Data properly beforehand.

BTW Just setting the visibility after Event Construct, Pre-Construct or during Event Tick won’t work.

The C++ alternative method would be creating a child C++ class of the Common Action Widget, and then override the parent function UpdateActionWidget() in C++. You can copy the old function of the Common Action Widget in UE5.1 (the only version i tried, at least it works). Then you can change the visibility of the common action widget after building the project.

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Thanks! this worked~!!

I can’t even change the input actions… I mean I can, but it empties them the moment I hit compile. Visibility can’t be changed at all, and the widget in designer view is invisible, can’t even see the white placeholder block that shows up in tutorials no matter what i do.

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no matter what I do, i folow
already third tutorial and it always fails in that when I move the “CommonActionWidget” panel to the canvas, no icon is displayed, but only an empty space, and the Visibility setting cannot be clicked to another option than Collapsed…unreal 5.4

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I have the exact same issue in 5.4. All data is set up, the icons exist, and I’ve tried re-assigning the input data in the project setting, too.

UPD: NVM… So, apparently the gamepad was working already, the mouse/keyboard input was not, and it was because I didn’t set the common base controller data asset for mouse/keyboard input in the project settings =_=‘’ Just in case someone else has the same issue lol