Can't select child actor component in blueprint viewport

Build Version: 4.10 from launcher (Version: 4.10.0-2758231+++depot+UE4-Releases+4.10).

Issue: If you add a child actor component to a blueprint and set it’s child actor class to something with a mesh or that’s otherwise visible, you can immediately see it in the viewport but you still can’t select it by clicking on it. You have to go into the components list and select it there before you can manipulate it. Maybe this is more a feature request than a bug report—rather than always behaving like invisible scene components, they should change their behavior based on their child actor class (and appearance in the viewport)…

Note: In the main editor viewport it already works as it should. You can click and select them just fine (including child actors of child actors, etc.).

Hi -,

Thank you for your report. I was able to reproduce this and have entered a bug report, UE-23810, to be assessed by the development staff.

Great, thanks .

That is a real pain for me. Hope you fix it soon.

Hi : What do you mean by “go into the components list and select it there before you can manipulate it”? How should I do to be able to modify the variables of my child actor instance? As I can’t select it in World Outliner, and I can’t see any variables by selecting Child Actor Component in the parent class blueprint.

I meant to change the child actor component’s transform or child actor class, etc.You will never see the variables of the child blueprint in the details panel, that’s just how child actor components work. You can cast to the child actor and run its functions and stuff in the parent blueprint’s construction script if you want.

We dont want to change variables, just CLICK at component list and HIGHLIGHT/SELECT the componente in Viewport.

So when will this be fixed? gotta wait until 4.11?

I wouldn’t hold your breath. It might not be fixed for a loooong time. They haven’t posted any status update in over a month, so it’s obviously not a priority.

Hi everyone.

This bug is still under assessment by the development staff. Unfortunately, I do not have a timeframe of when a fix will be implemented.

Hello, this is an issue that’s making working with my blueprints difficult as well. Has there been any progress on this issue?

Hi Kyben,

This was closed as a duplicate of UE-16688. I looked into that bug report and it is still under assessment by the development staff. Unfortunately, I do not have a timeframe of when a fix will be implemented. I am updating the bug report to reflect that additional developers are experiencing this error.

When will this be fixed…


It was marked as fixed in 2016. Maybe they eventually broke it again