Metahuman export to Unreal 5.0 used to work fine via Quixel Bridge.
That seems to have changed. Just created a new character, and export now just exports to a local file on my PC.
Trying to import that local file into Unreal 5.2. Doesn’t work. The file import dialogue limits the files visible to all supported file types EXCEPT the .mhb Metahuman file that I just downloaded.
Since I know they did a huge demo of Metahumans and Unreal 5.2, I’m clearly doing it wrong. I just don’t what I’m doing wrong.
Click Quickly add to the project from the top. Open Quixel Bridge and open My Metahumans and download it. After downloading, Press Add, this will add your metahuman to the Unreal Editor Content Drawer. To import the metahuman, open the Content Drawer from the bottom and you can do the rest.
Firstly, you need to use Bridge within Unreal.
Go to Windows - Quixel Bridge
Then on the new window, make sure you log in on the top right corner.
After you have logged in, navigate to the My Metahumans tab.
Your Metahumans should be available to download and add to the project from that site.
In case you do not see any metahumans, that means that your Metahumans might have been created with an older version.
They should still be there, just grayed out under “Legacy”.
If you want to upgrade them, go to the Metahuman Creator and choose which version you want to use. Then open the Metahuman and it will ask you if you want to upgrade it
Maybe I found a solution, you just need to match the version of metahuman model and engine. I am working on 5.4 version, and i had the same problem, nothing was helping. But when i switch version in here