can't see mesh

Hi there, I am trying this awesome software but I can’t understand how to visualize my mesh.
After I alligned my cameras, I created a dense cloud. So far so good.
When I run the normal detail process, the program start to build up the mesh, but I can just see the dense cloud.
CR made the mesh, beacause if i export a video I can see it inthe video (with a lot of headakes!).
it is just a demo limit? or am I doing something wrong?

thank you!

pu wrote:

Hi there, I am trying this awesome software but I can’t understand how to visualize my mesh.
After I alligned my cameras, I created a dense cloud. So far so good.
When I run the normal detail process, the program start to build up the mesh, but I can just see the dense cloud.
CR made the mesh, beacause if i export a video I can see it inthe video (with a lot of headakes!).
it is just a demo limit? or am I doing something wrong?

thank you!

The software is currently displaying the model only as a point cloud, you can see the full mesh only after exporting it either as a 3D model / mesh (also in a video format) or as a rendered image / screenshot.

so you are saying that i can modify with filters parameter the mesh and cannot display it in RC?
I don’t think this is right. There must be a way to display the mesh. even before export it.
I you take a look at the tutorials the mesh is visible.

so, it is just a demo limit?

Hi Pu,

yes, you can render the mesh using “Render” in the app to verify its quality. RC currently does not support full-mesh rendering. It renders a point cloud - you can set its density in application settings.

From your post I’m not sure if you do not see any result at all, or you are confused that app is rendering just a point cloud.
If you could post a screenshot, that would help.

You should definitely see a very dense model in 3D view, like in our tutorials.

First of all thanks for your feedback guys!

I attached a zip file with two images inside.
The shot_far is my dense point cloud seen from a far view. The cloud appear to be a mesh, and if you take a look at the second shot we are looking at the same point cloud.
In the past i’ve used photoscan, and after the mesh calculation I was able to check the mesh integrity (without or with texture) directly in the program.
I’m not talking about rendering the model with some enviroment or light I just want to see the mesh !


in the case you cannot see the files here is a wetransfer link

Hi Pu
No attachment there…

Yes, we use VERTICES in the 3D view as for now is there no MESH view, only a RENDER tool. It is because this way you can inspect models up to 50+bil triangles…
But even though you see VERTICES, there is a MODEL with surface, when you export it as PLY/OBJ/FBX, you can see that it is a ‘fully-solved‘ model - MESH…

Recommend doing a search for and downloading “Cloudcompare” - an open source software which I find is great for viewing the .obj/.ply etc outputs from RC

You can display full mesh in the 3D view since version Version RC release

Awesome!, Is this updated on steam at the same time? Thx!

Mike Simone wrote:

Awesome!, Is this updated on steam at the same time? Thx!

Yes, it’s available just in the Demo version though.

Demo only? :frowning: When will the payed version on steam get an update?

Mike Simone wrote:

Demo only? :frowning: When will the payed version on steam get an update?

Hopefully soon, no worries :wink:

Hi, any updates? How can I view the mesh on the payed version? Thanks.

hello, it is avalable since this version: