Can't save Widget Blueprint


I’m trying to save my Widget Blueprint but Unreal shows me an error message like “Can’t save bla bla bla”. I don’t know exaclty what is the problem with blueprint. How can I solve this? I need save my lastest Widget blueprint. Is this a bug? Should I report it to the Unreal Engine team?






This is because something wasn’t compiled when you saved. This isn’t a hard rule, sometimes it’s fine to leave things uncompiled, sometimes it isn’t. Go through and compile all the blueprints you’ve been working on then come back and recompile this one, then try to save. If you still can’t, try deleting pieces of it you’ve just recently placed since your last save and keep trying. All else fails, you can just close the editor and cut your losses; when you start it back up, the thing preventing you from saving will be gone.

You can also copy and paste node graphs between editor instances. Maybe copy the graphs into another open project just as a failsafe then do as Jared said and just close the project and reopen it. Paste your graph back in if indeed it didn’t save properly.

I am replying to this topic to help anyone else having a similar problem and the “delete second instance of unreal” is not the problem causing the widget to not save.

In my case I literally copy and pasted the level sequence actor from the level blueprint to my widget blueprint and that was the cause of it not saving, extremely annoying when all the time spent making the ui work is gone because it won’t save. This is one of the downfalls to using blueprints, you won’t always know which nodes to use and whether the nodes you use are supposed to work in a certain way when the compiler doesn’t mention any issue.

In short, if any ONE of your blueprints is not saving and keeps saying it failed to save, try to delete each nodes you think might be causing the issue and keep trying to save the blueprint to pinpoint the issue.