Can't save umap. Graph is linked to object in external map


I can’t duplicate a certain map in a project. On attempt to save the newly dublicated map - this error pops-up:

Can't save umap graph is linked to object BlueprintGeneratedClass (unknown property in external map)

Please help

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey there @GenericNickname7! I’ve seen a thread on this issue before, however I’ve never experienced it myself. So here’s a couple of resources that might have an answer!

Please let me know if either of these present the answer for you!

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Hi @SupportiveEntity,

Thank you a lot for your help. I familiarized myself with the topics and tried following some of the advices.

What has been tried so far:

  • Fixed-up references for the content folder

  • Deleted all actors from the map and all level blueprint content. Unfortunately the issue still persists.
    Also, the corrupted versions of the level seem to create 2 level blueprints - packaging gives this error: "UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogOutputDevice: Error: Detected the creation of more than one LevelScriptActor (/Game/Maps/GamePlayLevel.GamePlayLevel:PersistentLevel.GamePlayLevel_C_4, /Game/Maps/GamePlayLevel.GamePlayLevel:PersistentLevel.GamePlayLevel_C_1) within the same outer. This can lead to duplicate level blueprint operations during play."

  • Tried deleting all new blueprints and any new additions the old ones

  • I tried substituting the umap with back ups - the recent ones give the same result, the only one that works is 2 weeks old. But it’s at least some good news :slightly_smiling_face:

Copied all actors from the corrupted map into the emptied back-up map. In case if anyone has the same problem and you didn’t make backups - you can find some in the Saved/Autosaves folder.

In order to copy the blueprint level content and avoid the “failed to save error” - paste the copied content into a notepad and replace the old name level with the new one and recreate references/events for renamed actors in level bp

For example


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