Cant save map after Changing BP Component


Can’t save C:/Users/Christian/Documents/Unreal Projects/GEO/Content/TwinStick/Maps/TwinStickExampleMap.umap: Graph is linked to private object(s) in an external package.
External Object(s):

Try to find chain of references to that object (may take some time)?

How to reproduce:

I have a BP component, attached to an actor. Everytime I safe component, map is marked as modified. When I try to safe, I get this error. To get it back to work, I need to delete component from my Actor BP and re attach it.

Hi Brainshack,

Does BP Component use a BP that references Actor BP it resides in?

It binds itself to OnTakAnyDamage Event of actor it resides in. Thats only thing it does with Actor. scrrenshots show whole graph for component.

I’m sorry, I may not have been clear. I mean, does Blueprint that you’re referencing with your BP component in turn reference Blueprint that has BP component? I’m if we’re looking at a circular dependency issue here. Can you post an image of BP you’re using in your BP component?

I’m not really sure if i understand correctly. Here are Screenshots of even graph of my BasicEnemy BP, that is Actor that uses component:

As you can see, actor just hooks into an even from component.

Hi Brainshack,

Thanks for extra images! I was able to reproduce this in 4.7.2, and it seems it’s due to Event Dispatcher in Blueprint Component. I have entered a bug report for developers (UE-11460), and I will let you know when I see any update on it.

In meantime, you may need to avoid using an Event Dispatcher inside a BP Component. Hope that helps!

Hey, thanks taking your time and letting me know. I will keep that in mind.

Hi Brainshack,

Just wanted to let you know that this has been fixed internally, and fix should be included in a future release. I believe they’re trying to integrate it into 4.7.3, but if not then it should be in 4.8. Thanks again!