When trying to launch game from Visual Studio in DebugGame Editor profile, game complains about missing module (ie. UE4Editor-MyProjectName-Win64-DebugGame.dll), even though this module is present.
Happens in both launcher version and GitHub version.
When manually building game module in VS it works in launcher version, but doesn’t in Github. In Github version it tells it can’t load bunch of engine level plugins.
Also happens on Master Branch.
Windows 10 (Fall Creator Update, although happened on Creator Update as well).
Visual Studio 2017 (15.4).
After some poking around I found:
Which have:
"BuildId": "b38437c3-c336-48df-b19d-f76fb45f7c9e",
"ActionRPGGame": "UE4Editor-ActionRPGGame-Win64-DebugGame.dll"
Then looked into log and found
LogInit: Read version file with build ID 'a9f1a02c-f163-4b87-beaf-63d1561479e6'
LogInit: Registered custom module enumerator with build ID 'a9f1a02c-f163-4b87-beaf-63d1561479e6'
As you can notive guids are different. For test I replaced guid in .module file with the one in log. After it, ActionRPGGame module was loaded (didn’t solved issue with like 50 other modules).
It seems to also not work under and Visual Studio 2015.
Temporary workaround. Set BuildId: in Engine/Build/Build.version to some static GUID.
Clearly not the intended approach but at least it starts.