Can't run built server


I’ve compiled server part for my game, as described in A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums , but now MultiClothTestServer.exe gives and error:

Default Property warnings and errors:
Error: CDO Constructor (WidgetComponent): Failed to find /Engine/EngineMaterials/Widget3DPassThrough_Translucent

Error: CDO Constructor (WidgetComponent): Failed to find /Engine/EngineMaterials/Widget3DPassThrough_Translucent_OneSided

Error: CDO Constructor (WidgetComponent): Failed to find /Engine/EngineMaterials/Widget3DPassThrough_Opaque

Error: CDO Constructor (WidgetComponent): Failed to find /Engine/EngineMaterials/Widget3DPassThrough_Opaque_OneSided

Error: CDO Constructor (WidgetComponent): Failed to find /Engine/EngineMaterials/Widget3DPassThrough_Masked

Error: CDO Constructor (WidgetComponent): Failed to find /Engine/EngineMaterials/Widget3DPassThrough_Masked_OneSided

Error: CDO Constructor (DefaultPawn): Failed to find /Engine/EngineMeshes/Sphere

Error: CDO Constructor (GameplayDebuggingReplicator): Failed to find /Engine/EngineResources/AICON-Red.AICON-Red

Error: CDO Constructor (GameplayDebuggingReplicator): Failed to find /Engine/EngineResources/AICON-Green.AICON-Green

Error: CDO Constructor (WorldSettings): Failed to find /Engine/EngineDamageTypes/DmgTypeBP_Environmental.DmgTypeBP_Environmental_C

Error: CDO Constructor (BillboardComponent): Failed to find /Engine/EditorResources/S_Actor

Error: CDO Constructor (TriggerBase): Failed to find /Engine/EditorResources/S_Trigger

Error: CDO Constructor (Canvas): Failed to find /Engine/EngineResources/WhiteSquareTexture

Error: CDO Constructor (Canvas): Failed to find /Engine/EngineResources/GradientTexture0

Error: CDO Constructor (Console): Failed to find /Engine/EngineResources/Black

Error: CDO Constructor (Console): Failed to find /Engine/EngineResources/WhiteSquareTexture

Error: CDO Constructor (MaterialExpressionTextureObject): Failed to find /Engine/EngineResources/DefaultTexture

Error: CDO Constructor (MaterialExpressionTextureObjectParameter): Failed to find /Engine/EngineResources/DefaultTexture

Error: CDO Constructor (MaterialExpressionTextureSampleParameter2D): Failed to find /Engine/EngineResources/DefaultTexture

Error: CDO Constructor (MaterialExpressionAntialiasedTextureMask): Failed to find /Engine/EngineResources/DefaultTexture

Error: CDO Constructor (MaterialExpressionTextureSampleParameterCube): Failed to find /Engine/EngineResources/DefaultTextureCube

Error: CDO Constructor (VehicleWheel): Failed to find /Engine/EngineMeshes/Cylinder

Error: CDO Constructor (VehicleWheel): Failed to find /Engine/EngineTireTypes/DefaultTireType

Error: CDO Constructor (PaperSprite): Failed to find /Paper2D/MaskedUnlitSpriteMaterial

Error: CDO Constructor (PaperSprite): Failed to find /Paper2D/OpaqueUnlitSpriteMaterial

Error: CDO Constructor (PaperFlipbook): Failed to find /Paper2D/MaskedUnlitSpriteMaterial

Error: CDO Constructor (PaperTerrainComponent): Failed to find /Paper2D/DefaultPaperTerrainMaterial

Error: CDO Constructor (PaperTileMap): Failed to find /Paper2D/MaskedUnlitSpriteMaterial

Error: CDO Constructor (PaperTileMapComponent): Failed to find /Paper2D/MaskedUnlitSpriteMaterial


In the same time, game exe file - MultiClothTest.exe - works well.

How to fix this issue?

Thank you!


  1. In MS VS - Run Build project with Development settings

  2. In MS VS - Run Build project with Development Server settings

  3. Package game

  4. Copy [YourProjectName]Server.exe from [YourGameProjectDir]/Binaries/[PlatformName]/ to [PackagedGameDir]/WindowsNoEditor/[YourProjectName]/Binaries/[PlatformName]/[YourProjectName]Server.exe

  5. Run [PackagedGameDir]/WindowsNoEditor/[YourProjectName]/Binaries/[PlatformName]/[YourProjectName]Server.exe - it will be started in background. Or, run

    [PackagedGameDir]/WindowsNoEditor/[YourProjectName]/Binaries/[PlatformName]/[YourProjectName]Server.exe -log

to see output log of the server ( A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums ) .

Thank you very much indeed for coming back and updating this post with your answer to the problem. It has helped me to get my first dedicated server running at last.
I have not tested all possibilities but I think I was probably putting the server.exe into the wrong folder.
Anyway, it is working so, cheers to you!