Can't rotate camera during tick event?

So, in a first-person game, I’m trying to create an effect for the camera to always be drawn towards an actor in front of them. My problem is I can’t seem to find a way to turn the camera during the tick event to provide that rotation?

I’ve got what I believe is a pretty regular turning script

and no matter what i add here, nothing seems to be able to make the camera turn

I’ve tired using the Add Controller Pitch / Yaw nodes, Set World Rotation (the scene component one), Set Local Rotation, and nothing. The camera always just moves with the mouse.

Is there some setting I’m missing? does having the InputAxis events block something? I feel like I’m going mad.

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Try setting the controller rotation. For example:

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Thanks for the help!

for anyone in the future, here’s the full effect:

the first part slowly drags the camera towards the target, and the second part reduces the mouse sensitivity based on how far away from the target the camera is looking.