Cant retarget animal

Hello guys,

I need to ask you. For Two days, I am trying to figure out a problem, however without success. I have two Llamas, one model is mine, one is bought. The bought one has animations, and I want to retarget these animations to my Llama. I did the IK Rigs and started to retarget, some of the positions look good, but some of them are totally skewed. But thats not the only thing. Once I export those, which are looking fine, they are skewed as well after export.

Would someone help me please?

thank you :slight_smile:


Hey there @Chudobik! Try to match the positions before the retarget as best as possible, as they can change the outcome of the final position pretty drastically. I believe this thread shows off some animal retargeting in a pretty effective manor:

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