I can’t seem to reimport any asset in my project after updating to 4.2, even though it says reimport successful at the bottom of the screen.
Ok, I’ve found something weird. If I reset the source file path, and pick a source file located on the C: drive, I can reimport the asset with no problems. However, if I try to reimport anything on another drive, I cannot. This project did start on the C: drive, but I ran out of space. Is there any way to fix this? Or maybe it’s been fixed in 4.2.1?
I know we’ve discussed this on the other threads. I’m going to post those links here as well. Post back here once you upgrade to 4.2.1 and let us know if you’re still having the pathing issue. If so, provide some details for the installation location, and import/reimport steps you are using, etc.
Thank you!
Links referring to problem from other thread posts: