Cant reimport Datasmith files in 5.3?

We have a massive project we start in unreal 5.1 and have recently had to upgrade to 5.3 for bug fixes and other quality of life upgrades. Everything seemed to be fine except for now we can not seem to reimport and of our datasmith files.

We just put a ton of work into the 5.3 file itself upgrading the surround areas and foliage but now cannot update the main mesh in the file…is there some sort of datasmith issue when upgrading engines?? Cannot find anything on this.

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i found this from a reddit link thanks to the individual.

When you first open 5.3 and try to double-click the datasmith object, no dice. What you can do is right click on you object and go to Asset Actions > Edit Selection in Property Matrix.

Once you open this up, there should be a details tab in the top right. From there you can make sure the “Asset Import Data” dropdown is clicked, and that should expose the “External Source”. You will see 3 dots that allow for you to go into your file folders and get the new file path

I have the same problem, i am seeking a solution