I’ve just activated Translation Editor in “Experimental” preferences. Now I see menu item Window->TranslationEditor (yes, without spaces), but sub-menu of this item won’t drop. I see there are sub-item of TranslationEditor (there is triangle).
Same here. I think the feature isn’t available anymore since 4.3, cause it wasnt mentioned in the changelog after 4.2. The translation editor is a very cool idea though, making localization a lot easier. I hope it won’t be forgotten!
Unfortunately at present I do not have a timeframe. However, there is a possibility that it will be in 4.5. Keep an eye out for the build notes for further information!
I just tested this, and oddly it is working in our main branch still but not in the 4.6 editor. I am putting in a bug report to see what may be occurring.
The issue is that the Translation Menu directly reads/edits .manifest and .archive files in the Content > Localization directories, but the Editor/Engine versions of these files are not distributed with a binary build, so there’s nothing for it to read/edit by default in a binary build.
If you use the localization commandlets to generate your own .manifest / .archive files under the Engine > Content > Localization or Project > Content > Localization folders, the Translation Editor will find them and they’ll populate that menu.
More information about the setup of our localization system and the commandlets to use is here: