Can't reach TranslationEditor


I’ve just activated Translation Editor in “Experimental” preferences. Now I see menu item Window->TranslationEditor (yes, without spaces), but sub-menu of this item won’t drop. I see there are sub-item of TranslationEditor (there is triangle).

Same here. I think the feature isn’t available anymore since 4.3, cause it wasnt mentioned in the changelog after 4.2. The translation editor is a very cool idea though, making localization a lot easier. I hope it won’t be forgotten!

Hi everyone,

I just checked and while it isn’t working in 4.4.3 this is working on our latest internal build. Keep an eye out for a future update!

But when? :slight_smile:

Unfortunately at present I do not have a timeframe. However, there is a possibility that it will be in 4.5. Keep an eye out for the build notes for further information!

Still doesn’t work in 4.5 preview

In 4.6.0 (from Launcher) doesn’t work either

Hi everyone,

I just tested this, and oddly it is working in our main branch still but not in the 4.6 editor. I am putting in a bug report to see what may be occurring.

The issue is that the Translation Menu directly reads/edits .manifest and .archive files in the Content > Localization directories, but the Editor/Engine versions of these files are not distributed with a binary build, so there’s nothing for it to read/edit by default in a binary build.

If you use the localization commandlets to generate your own .manifest / .archive files under the Engine > Content > Localization or Project > Content > Localization folders, the Translation Editor will find them and they’ll populate that menu.

More information about the setup of our localization system and the commandlets to use is here:

Localization > Overview

Localization > Setup

Localization > Commandlets

We hope to have a more usable interface for adding new languages to translate your project into and generating these files in a future update.