Can't post questions on the forum


I have created this account recently and it shows that I’m logged in in places like the answerhub and the marketplace but when I click in the forum it seems like I have been logged out and it doesnt let my create posts or send replies.

If I click the icon to log in then I get redirected to the forum without any visible change and sometimes I get to a page that says "Invalid Page URL. If this is an error and the page should exist, please contact the system administrator and tell them how you got this message. "

What can I do?

  • Image that shows that I’m logged in on the answerhub

  • Image that shows what happens when I try to log in the forum

Yea…This forum seems like it times people out of being logged in pretty quickly if they’re inactive.

I’ve usually been able to re-log in (by clicking the button you mention), then refresh the page showing the post you’re trying to interact with. After the refresh, I’m able to comment, vote, etc.

I also can’t create a new topic. Been trying to create a post in the C++ Gameplay Programming section to no avail.

I don’t even get that “Invalid Page URL” error; I hit “post”, and it takes me directly back to the main subforum page with no error.

I don’t know if this is related, but loading pages frequently takes aaaaaaages. It appears certain calls to are taking forever. See below, reloading this page, the highlighted call to took 119 seconds!!

And this happens probably 70% of the time when I try to open an Unreal page. Even refreshing this very page 4-5 times, it happened on that same call every time. It’s maddening!

Could be a problem with the network configuration at work. I should try from home to confirm.

If it’s not just our workplace, could be some bad web shenanigans going on site-wide.