Can't play the next Behavior task

I am trying to make an AI enemy that I want to find me and once is in a specific distance, I want him to attack. Somehow, it doesnt seem to play the montage that I want to do once it reaches me out. For now its something very simple so I can understand the AI system.

I am using a Service and a Task to call the attack for the enemy. While I am running it, I see that the Blackboard does the calls right(patrol<attack) but i dont see the montage to be playing.

Any thoughts of whats going on?

Unreal parallel by default only works while the task is active, so when it stops moving the following stops working
You have to change the node to delayed

Hi there, it is on delayed, thats the thing…

Also I do have the default slot like many have suggested

So I have some free time, and decided to start it from scratch.I did the same things as I did with my first attempt, I didnt change anything, and it worked…

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If a montage did not work, 95% of the time is because the correct group is not configured in the montage assets

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