The error pops up in the lower left when trying to play the game in the editor:
Can’t play in Editor when performing Edit X operation. X is a column in a data table I had been editing earlier. When I try to play after saving and closing the data table and doing other things it will still say it is being edited.
Is this a bug or am I not closing the data table correctly?
I’ve attempted to reproduce your issue, but have been unable to do so. Are you able to reproduce this issue in a clean project? Also, do you have any steps that I can take to reproduce the issue on our end? Thank you.
I was able to reliably reproduce it about 15 times. I did it in both a blueprint and c++ project (no starter content).
1. Make project
2. Make a bp user struct
3. import a csv to create a data table bp (or just make one)
4. use the drag and slide to change a value in a row (*seems* more susceptible to not being the default/first row when editing)
5. Do 1-3 times
6. Try to play in editor will keep saying [Name] is being edited
You can reset fix it by deleting the datatable and then importing or creating a new one and only changing the values by entering them using the keyboard and not the slider.
I have been able to reproduce your issue and have entered a bug report (UE-24752). Thank you for your report. In the meantime, continue to enter the values using the keyboard since this does not seem to be causing the same issue.