Can't play Bink Media using blueprint

Hello everyone,

I use 5.3.2 version of Unreal. In blueprint, play function doesn’t work with the Bink media. Other functions like “pause” seem to be working. There is nothing wrong if I check “Start Immediately” in Bink media. The video plays normally at start. However I need to control and fire the video using blueprints. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

I have encounter the same problems too, no solution found yet. But there is a work around that is use Rewind instead of Play while keeping the Start Immediately option checked. The Rewind node will play the video from the start like you just open it.

Yes! I’ve implemented pausing the video on event begin play and rewinding it to play using blueprints. However, during the game’s startup with the splash screen video, the audio from the Bink media can be heard, which is quite annoying. To address this issue, I’m planning to separate the video and audio tracks. I’ll then manually play the audio while the Bink video is playing. This seems to be the only workaround I could come up with, and I hope it resolves the problem!

I just found a solution that seems to work. You can start the bink video in blueprint by calling the OpenUrl node before playing.