Can't parse default value 'none' for Cameras?

Can’t parse default value ‘none’ for Cameras?

Why is this a warning? How do I fix it?

btw the answer is not “put the add int into the get int slot”

How many elements are there in that array by default?

This is a bug caused when you changed the Cameras variable to become an array. In UE4.26 this happens a lot.
It has kept the original value of “none” instead of updating it to be an “Empty Array”

To fix you need to modify the default value and save.

To do this for an array: Select the Cameras variable in the details panel.

  • Add an element to the default array
  • Remove that element
  • Then compile/save, and the issue should be gone

None, but how do you handle this when an array is empty until objects are spawned in?

The array can be empty, that’s fine.

  • what is the array object type - Camera Actor?
  • can you select that variable and show its details panel?
  • do you have any structs in the actor?
  • do you have any transform / vectors variables in that actor?

thanks for the fix this one had me spinning in circles

This worked for me, thanks!