Cant parent actor with blueprint to empty actor

So if i add stuff like the cube or sphere or any other actor from “Modes” i can parent it to an empty actor. But if i add a blueprint to any of those children objects whenever i start it gets unparented and is impossible to parent back (at runtime by dragging it onto it) and is normally parented when i stop. So why cant i parent blueprint actors to empty actors?

I cant use children actors or any other blueprint stuff i just want to make objects move with the parent just like they would if they were child objects of it.

Its a bit hard to understand the problem, would you have some screenshots of the problem or maybe a short video

You can parent blueprint actors to other blueprint actors even if they are empty. You will never be able to reparent and modify the game from the editor while running except for a few differences.

If it detaches then there must be some code that causes it to detach from the parent blueprint. You will have to look through your code to see if it does that. Also check for conflicts between the type of actor it is. Are they both movable?


I have an empty actor and a child object on it (actor) but when i add a blueprint to the child it detaches from the parent on start

Of course they are all movable, i wouldnt be able to parent them in the first place if they werent.

Of course there isnt any code that unparents it.

You actually can reparent in editor at runtime (if you pause)

The parent actor isnt a blueprint actor, just a default empty one

only when i enable physics on the child this happens so thats it i guess

Found out it only happens when i enable physics

That makes sense as physics can tear apart a parenting connection if the threshold is high enough. I am not too sure about this though, but good that you found the problem!